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Practice your listening

With Korean Through Podcasts 2

Made in collaboration with A Piece of Korean!

Gooseapple Books have teamed up with professional Korean teachers 'A Piece of Korean'

(한국어 한 조각)  to bring you a book based on their podcast.

Learning with podcasts...

Listening to a podcast is a great way to learn a language.

But without a script, sometimes it's hard to follow what people are saying, especially if they talk quickly or use slang.

A Book + A Podcast

Gooseapple Books and A Piece of Korean have teamed up to make a book to help you fully comprehend the podcast episodes.

Each chapter focuses on one 5-10 minute episode.

Each chapter includes:

  • A full script

  • A key vocab list & some short grammar notes

  • Some comprehension questions

  • Some speaking and writing practice exercises

  • A natural English translation


Professional Teachers

A Piece of Korean are professional Korean teachers.

They actively teach in Korea and have a YouTube channel with over 36,000 subscribers.

They know how to speak simply, but naturally, in order to help learners understand more easily.

Also, because each podcast is only a few minutes long, it's very accessible to Korean learners.

Perfect Level

Listening is one of the hardest skills to practice when you're self-studying.

You want to find materials that aren't too difficult and aren't too long, but are still natural.

This book is at the perfect level for intermediate students who know a fair amount of Korean, but want more exposure to the language.

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Listen to A Podcast

The first podcast in the book is about the term 'Open Run.'

Check it out by following the links below!

Korean Script

여러분은 ‘오픈런’이라는 말을 들어 본 적 있어요?

그런데 제가 오늘 이야기하려는 것은 여러분이 알고 있는 그 단어와

다를 지도 몰라요.

최근 한국 사회에서는 새로운 오픈런이 생겼거든요. 오늘은 제 오픈런 경험에 대해 이야기해  보려고 합니다.


오픈런은 말 그대로 오픈(open), 문을 열고, 런(run), 뛴다는 건데요.

뭐가 문을 열까요? 네, 바로 가게, 매장이에요.


매장 문이 열리자마자 바로 들어가서 물건을 사는 것을 최근 한국 사회에서는 오픈런이라고 불러요.


Read the full script in the book!

English Script

Everyone, have you ever heard the expression 'open run'?


Well, what I'm going to talk about today might be different from what you think it means.


Recently in Korea the new term 'open run' has been popping up. So today I'm going to talk about my 'open run' experience. 

'Open run' literally means 'open,' as in opening a door, and 'run,' as in running. And who's opening this door? Well, it's the shops, the stores.


When you run inside a store to buy something as soon as it opens, that's being called an 'open run' in Korea these days.


Read the full translation in the book!

Bonus Materials

The book also comes with...

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Key vocab in bold

Some advanced grammar briefly explained

Vocab & Grammar

Key vocab is listed and highlighted in bold.

This way you can easily find where these vocab words were used in the script.

There are also a few intermediate/advanced grammar forms highlighted.

A short explanation of these forms is given to assist your understanding.

Comprehension Questions

Test your understanding of the podcast by answering some comprehension questions.

These questions are multiple choice, and are written entirely in Korean.

You'll have to rely on your Korean knowledge to understand and answer these questions correctly!

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Multiple choice questions


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Two speaking prompts

One writing prompt

Speaking & Writing Practice

At the end of the chapter, there are some activities designed to get you thinking in Korean.

There are two speaking prompts to try answering out loud or with a language partner.

There is also a writing prompt where you can write your own paragraph.

This turns passive learning into active learning.

Get Inspired

We Say...

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"This book was such a joy and an honor to make. Even though I've been learning Korean for years, I learned something new in every episode. The teachers are warm, personable, and easy to listen to. They speak entirely in Korean, yet I found pieces of myself in every chapter. I loved it. I can honestly say that I would use this book to study Korean myself."
- Katarina, Gooseapple Books
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"I'm always on the lookout for Korean podcasts that I can study with and use for listening practice, but the ones I find tend to be either too long, or mostly in English. So I was thrilled to find A Piece of Korean - it's just perfect! The episodes are all around 10 minutes, easy and fun to listen to, and entirely in Korean. And now with this book, so many other students will be able to enjoy accompanying scripts, activities, and cultural notes as well. I feel so honored to have had this opportunity to create a book with A Piece of Korean that will help listeners get even more out of their podcasts."
- Chelsea, Gooseapple Books
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209 Archer Street, Houston, Texas

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